Born and raised in Kaunas, Lithuania on the banks of Nemunas, studied economics in Vilnius, then moved to study software engineering and live to Ottawa, Canada. Now work as a software developer. I love playing basketball, soccer, watching F1, occasional management, strategy or sports game on PS4 or PC. PM me with anything Racing Boss related, I might be able to help you when in need, but please, no questions about how the game works, that is up to you to find out.
Racing Boss was created by people who are passionate about racing from Go Karting to Formula 1.
Work on the game (previously named F1TIME) started in September 2001, after a few months spent on conception and design of the game. After more than half a year of development and testing, the first official race of new Racing management game was held on 1st of April 2002. With some improvements, minor and major, 24 seasons were completed before a full stop in August 2005 with a promise of redesign and major upgrades to the game.
While upgrades took longer than expected, the game was being slowly developed to v2.0 which offered some major improvements in game play, accessibility and changes throughout the game. The first race of v2.0 took place 4 March, 2007. In 2012 game underwent some major changes and was re-released with version 3. In 2014 Game was renamed to Racing Boss. Development never stops and is supported by small, but very dedicated community.
The game would be nothing without its' restless staff, people who ensure a smooth and enjoyable playing experience day in and day out. Please meet the Racing Boss team:

Developer, Manager, all in one for Racing Boss. Responsible for handling every day affairs from forum, to server maintenance.

F1Time addict!
Oh, and married with 4 kids...
